May 11, 2012

Day 70: Communication

So, it has taken 10 weeks, but I am finally starting to get a grip on what Marian needs when she cries.  For the longest time, every time she made a peep, I would feed her.  Or Marc would change her diaper.  Then, later, I'd have to change her outfit after she spit up (and Marc would take out the garbage full of semi-dirty diapers).

But, now, I can tell when she is bored or lonely - she does a sort of squawky yell, like "pay attention to me!"  And when she is tired, she gets whiny and shakes her head back and forth, like "leave me alone!".  And when she is hungry, she turns into ANGRY BABY!, which clearly means, "FEED ME!"  Dirty diaper falls somewhere in between tired and hungry.

And when she is happy, she smiles! And is starting to laugh! I love that!  The smiles aren't very sustained, so it is hard to catch on camera, but they are certainly becoming more numerous.  And she is babbling and cooing more, as well.  I realize these are all normal baby things to do (including the cries), but I totally feel like my baby is a genius!

1 comment:

Sophia said...

I love reading your postings Brenna. It's like a glimpse ahead. We too are starting to figure out Laurel's different vocalizations & have gotten a lot less anxious when seeing that blue line on the disposable diapers!