May 2, 2012

Day 61: Two Months Old

Two months ago, our lives changed immensely! The past two months have simultaneously sped by and been the longest two months of my life. I have not slept for more than 4 hours and 15 minutes in a row in that time (and that long only twice).  I have been pooped on, peed on, spit up on, screamed at and had my pleas for patience blatantly ignored. And I have discovered that one little smile makes all of that seem completely irrelevant.  It is awesome.  Tiring and frustrating, but awesome!

And we celebrated this landmark with a visit to the doctor and her first set of vaccines.  Poor baby! 

I didn't cry when she got the shots. I did get teary beforehand when I was thinking about it, though.  She did great with the shots - screamed for a few seconds, then let us comfort her, then fell asleep.  She slept a lot today, but did get a low grade fever this evening.  Man, that is rough on a mom! (Though a pediatrician thinks, "Great! Her immune system works!")

She now measures:
11 lbs, 5 oz (70%ile)
23-3/4 inches long (97%ile)

I can't wait to see how she grows and develops over the next two months and beyond!

Though, really, she is growing way to fast!

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