Apr 17, 2012

Day 46: Baby's First Austen

Marian and I are indulging in a little Pride and Prejudice today. I think she is a fan of Miss Elizabeth Bennett!

After the movie, I think I will read her the best children's book ever:


1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love P&P marathon days! They are far and few between now that I live with a boy. Mark was off with his friends one day, and I started watching them all and it got to my favoritest scene ever - when Mr. Darcy declare "I can beat this!" then takes a dip in his pond and then stumbles across Lizzie taking a tour of his home and then she gets all cute and flustered and he gets all hot and... flustered too. And then MARK WALKED IN! Do you know what he does when he catches me watching girly shows? He mocks it. Uuuuuuuugh. That just makes me so mad.