Jan 16, 2010


Everyone ready for a quick mental exercise?

No you don't need any props.

Yes, it is okay if you sit down.

Now. Close your eyes. Wait. Open them! You have to see to keep reading this.

Close your metaphysical eyes.

Now, I want you to expand your consciousness, lay aside all cares and worries, take a deep cleansing breath and... PLAN A GIANT PARTY FOR ALL OF YOUR CLOSEST FRIENDS AND FAMILY. GO!!!

While some of you may find this a soothing activity, personally it gives me a bit of a panicky feeling right there in the pit of my stomach. That area that seems to know how you're feeling before your brain does.

I'm not nervous, per se. Just anxious to make sure that we have a fantastically wonderful wedding. Wherein everything goes perfectly and everyone has a perfectly splendiferous time.

Hmmm. Perhaps there is bit more Bridezilla to me than I thought....

In an attempt to rein in the Bridezilla, I decided that the first thing we needed to do was determine our priorities. So, amongst many conversations, Marc and I decided what those priorities are.

Turns out that for both of us, the number one priority is to get married. Shouldn't be too hard!

After that, we diverge a bit.

My priority: have a smallish gathering of our closest friends and family - the people that have shaped us into who we are today. It will be our way to thank them and maybe spoil them if at all possible.

His priority: invite as many people as possible to honor family heritage, to not offend anybody, and to attempt to strengthen our bond with various people who, for various reasons, are not actually a part of our lives at the moment.

Diametrically opposed? Perhaps a bit. But this is a great opportunity to practice the art of compromise.

So, I won't get my cozy cabin in the woods, hanging out all weekend with my nearest and dearest, having massages and pedicures and playing games until the wee hours of the night.

And he won't have his epic, joyous family reunion.

But, as long as the FIRST priorty gets checked off our checklist, we will both be happy.

Bridezilla be darned.

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