May 11, 2007

I Make This Look Easy

Guess what! Guess what! It is my last time on the wards at night as an intern! And, after four overnight ward calls, and three weeks of night float, I totally have this stuff all down. I am Intern Extraordinaire (imagine that in bright green, sparkly letters, with a marching band playing in the background, and the Shriner's on their crazy trikes throwing out bags of candy and occasionally Frisbees)

Being an intern on night float, has now become easy!

Except that I am totally and completely lying, and most of the time still feel like I am "playing" doctor and other times feel that I am completely over my head and I don't really know much of anything, and am mostly just flying by the seat of my pants...

And the next time I'm on a night? I'm the senior resident. Which means that I'll be in charge. Which means that I should know stuff.

Which explains why I have broken out into Brenna bumps tonight. My last night as an intern.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My first night as wards resident?


I am already hyperventilating a tad.