Jan 24, 2006

Survey Time!

It's been a while...!

Four jobs I’ve had:
* Telemarketer
* Temporary Technician at Intel (complete with bunny suit)
* Arts and Crafts Teacher at a Taekwondo Summer Academy
* Receptionist at an Infertility Clinic

Four movies I could watch over and over:
* When Harry Met Sally
* Bridget Jones' Diary
* Shawshank Redemption
* Pride and Prejudice

Four books I could read over and over:
* Harry Potter (we'll just count that as one)
* Where the Red Fern Grows
* Welcome to the Monkey House
* Catcher in the Rye

Four places I have lived:
* Beaverton, OR
* Northfield, MN
* Sitka, AK
* Winston-Salem, NC

Four TV shows I watch:
* American Idol (yeah, yeah, I know. but I still like it)
* Desperate Housewives
* Gilmore Girls (though I haven't seen it in months)
* Alias (likewise, haven't seen it in months)

Four places I have been on vacation:
* Alexandria, MN
* Victoria, BC
* Berlin, Germany
* Disneyworld!

Four websites I visit daily other than email:
* Several blogs
* www.comics.com
* The Superficial
* Google

Four favorite foods:
* Bagels and cream cheese
* Diet Pepsi (not really food, but as good as...for me, anyway)
* Chicken
* Thai/Indian/Chinese type food (we're going general here)

Four places I’d like to be right now:
* Beaver Lake, Sitka, Alaska
* Hug Point, Oregon Coast
* At a Broadway show
* Disneyworld!!

Four people I want to participate:
* Mom
* Melissa
* Ari
* George W. Bush

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