Jun 21, 2004

To Do Lists

This weekend, I made an all-encompassing "To Do" list, with the dream of accomplishing everything on it before Monday. Pipe dreams, of course, but I had to give it a shot. Knowing that one particular friend would read the list, I included the task: "Get a Date" just to be funny. Then there was a party Saturday night, and I decided to at least try to check that one off. (Me trying is generally not that effective) Anyway, I turned my full flirty force on two different lucky guys from our class. Totally harmless, and a lot of fun, really...

So, today we started new rotations - I'm in neuro, on the stroke service for two weeks, then on general neuro. (by the way, for anyone keeping track, 2 of the 3 people who hate me have completely DISAPPEARED. I SWEAR I had nothing to do with it!!!) The two aforementioned boys (men? am I that old yet?) are on a different team - together. They were on rounds this afternoon, and came to the floor I'm on. I was then faced with a dilemma which I have never experienced before: how to flirt with two guys at once. Or really, since we were technically at work, and full-force flirting is not really highly encouraged, how to not let either of them think that I was paying more attention to the other. It was quite a sticky situation. I felt like Marcia Brady. With curly hair and glasses. You know what I discovered, though? It's kinda fun! I think I should just keep up the flirting, and never actually check that task off the list...

I'm going on a cruise! Today begins the "Cruise Body Quest" That should include going to the Y to work out, but...I don't wanna!! I'm tired, I slept horribly last night, I need to be in by 6:30 tomorrow, and it is already past my 6pm rule. (Home by 6? Y by 7) So...I'll stick with the less food leg of CBQ, and hopefully I'll have time for the gym leg tomorrow. Is there another leg?

I haven't seen FNI in many, many days. Otherwise, I could potentially have 3 males to balance. Oh what a topsy-turvy world!

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