Jun 18, 2015

Alien Archaeologists and Eyelashes.

There are times when day to day life can seem routine and boring. At times where I am suffering from general ennui, and a lack of creative drive, I ponder the ways in which I am totally and utterly unique.

(And you are, too.)

Think about it: there has never, in the history of the world been another person sitting where you are, wearing the clothes that you are wearing, reading the words that you are reading. And there never will be again. There are 7 billion people on our planet, but you are the ONLY one thinking whatever you are thinking right now. Unless you're thinking how much you like apple pie. Then there are two of us thinking that right now.

I wonder if I ever walk along the exact path that someone else walked before, or if it is possible to find a patch of earth that has never been stepped on before at all.

I wonder if future alien archaeologists could identify one person's DNA, and then trace their life from one area to another to try to piece together their history (I also wonder why they would want to do that)

All of these thoughts are amplified when it is two-freaking-twenty-two in the morning, and you are waiting for lab results to come back so you can decide what to do with a patient in the ER.

Also, I wonder if the patient I just saw has the world's longest eyelashes (they don't)

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