Nov 14, 2006

Night Swimming


You know that REM song, "Nightswimming?" It's totally in my head right now. Well. The first two lines are anyway. I don't know the rest of the lines.

Why is it in my head? And, perhaps more importantly, why am I blogging at 5 am when all normal, sane and happy people (aka Not-Residents) are sleeping?

I am on Night Float. It's an actual rotation name. One that most residents/young MD's would be familiar with.

I'm not really sure why it's called "Float" though. Maybe because we 'float' through all the services?

Basically, we come in during the night, watch over all the pediatric patients that are on the general, heme-onc, pulm or renal services and admit any new patients that come in.

Floating implies easiness.

And... it's not hard per se. But it ain't 'floating', that's for sure. Night 'floating' makes me think of evenings in the deep south, sitting out by the lake with my mint julep as the sun dips below the horizon and fireflies start their lazy path across the night sky.

There are no lakes here. Or mint juleps. Or fireflies.

So, I think that I will refer to this particular rotation as "Night Swim." That implies a bit more work, but not as much work as "Day Swim." Because at night you need to swim a little slower so you don't swim into rocks or crocodiles.

Plus, with "Night Swim" as a rotation, you get a great theme song.

Last side note: My brain function appears to be limited after a night on. So... if this post doesn't make sense, I can't be held accountable.

Side note to the side note: I may be incomprehensible, but I can totally take care of your sick kid. Trust me. I'm a doctor.

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