Sep 20, 2006

Another Enthralling Adventure

There are those who think I haven't been prolific enough of late.

To those, I say:

Well, honestly, I don't really have all that much to say. Other than: you probably wouldn't want to read about my life these days anyway!

Point in fact -- following is the story of the most exciting thing that happened to me today.

I am on my Emergency Department rotation now. This afternoon, I was scheduled for the Urgent Care clinic. Colds, rashes, yada, yada (not unexciting to me, but not worth much discussion.) The last patient of the day was like the textbook definition of The Patient You Don't Want To Pick Up Last In A Pediatrics Urgent Care Clinic. Seriuosly, picture the patient that you would like to see last in the day, and then picture a patient that is diametrically opposed to that.

(I always love the chance to use the word 'diametrically')

Anyway. That's not the Story of the Most Exciting Thing That Happened to Me Today. That's just the set up for why I didn't get out until 7:30, and why I was tired and distracted on the drive home.

Because today, for the first time ever, I spaced out and totally missed my exit. Actually, that's a lie. I didn't totally miss it - I un-spaced out about a quarter mile before I needed to exit, but I was in the wrong lane. I could have risked life and limb to make it, but my father's teaching came into my head at that moment. The driver's education I got from my dad, boiled down, consisted of "Don't be an idiot."

Or, translated into Oregon-speak: "Don't drive like a Californian."

And applied specifically to this occasion, meant "don't swerve across traffic to get your exit."

So, I got off at the next exit, turned around, and then got home.

Where I proceeded to sit on my butt and do zippo.

So there. The Most Exciting Thing That Happened to Me Today. It would have been better had the story culminated with me stopping a fleeing band of bank robbers while rescuing a bag of kittens that had fallen from the back of a very rich man's limo as he was on his way to reunite with his estranged grand-daughter, thus earning both a reward from the bank and the undying gratitude of the rich guy, who thanks me by paying for weekly pedicures for the rest of my life, and then writes me into his will.

But it didn't culminate that way.

It never does, darn it.

Which is why I have not been prolific. Of late.

Do you think Jane Austen would have kept a blog if the internet had existed in days of yore?

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